
Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico Aurelio Nestico
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Monti-Rago Funeral Home Inc.
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Marianne Verlinghieri (Messina)
Condolence: November 22, 20ll
Keeping the entire Nestico family in my prayers tonight.I know Aurelio is in heaven tonight with his sister (my much adored Nonna) Valeria and brother-in-law Vincenzo (my beloved Nonno). We must never forget all the lessons we have learned about love, loyalty, and family from each of them. The Nestico/Mirarchi clan would not have come to America had it not been for the bravery, hard work, and determination of these extraordinary people. Now more than ever it is important that we continue to carry on the family stories and record what we remember so we can share these memories with future generations as authentically as they were told to us. I know Aurelio would expect nothing less than perfection from us in documenting our family history. Don't worry Great Zio Aurelio, we'll tell your story with a smile on our faces and pride filled hearts. Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and all of us will not forget the sacrifices you, Great Zia Concetta, my Nonna Valeria, and Nonno Vincenzo have made for us. Though it saddens me to think this is a generation lost, I find confort in knowing that I have a family legacy so strong that it has taken root in my very soul. I carry Valeria, Vincenzo, and now Aurelio with me as my own personal angels on my shoulders, guiding me in my day to day life. It will take our family some time to mend our broken hearts over this loss. But as long as we keep family first in our hearts, as Aurelio and Valeria have modeled for us in their own lives, we'll find the courage and conviction to write our new family stories.
Much love to my family, Nestico and Mirarchi alike.
Ti voglio bene! Marianna
Tuesday December 27, 2011
Condolence From: Rosetta Conigliaro and our whole family
Condolence: Today was my nonno's funeral - so sad, difficult and the rain was expressing how we all felt. Though we know he is in a better place, not having him with us and hearing him tell his stories from when he was young, a bricklayer and sargeant major will be the most difficult part. The service was beautiful, the roses were amazingly gorgeous and smelled so fresh, my Zio and Dr. Pasquale said the eul...ogy with both grandchildren -Aurelio (Elio) and Aurelio (Leo) by his side and Zia Maria (his sister) were all there to comfort him while he read a fabulous speech he wrote on nonno's life....There were many tears and so many people who loved him!!!!!!!!!! There were 34 cars in the funeral procession going to NJ. Our funeral director (Mark Rago) is a saint as well as Nick - he had the Walt Whitman bridge closed for us as we were going to the cemetery. Thank you for doing such a wonderful service. We are so blessed to have our family at this time and always. I love you all!!!!!!!!! Thank you to all who attended and those who were there in spirit - we are blessed to have you all in our lives. May God give us all strength to deal with this tragic loss. We all love and miss you Nonno Aurelio - Rest In Peace............
Tuesday November 22, 2011
Condolence From: Theodore & Pamela Karas
Condolence: Our deepest, and most heart-felt condolences to you and your family for the loss of your family's patriarch. May Mr. Nestico rest in peace, and may his memory be eternal.

The Karas Family
Theodore & Pamela.
Tuesday November 22, 2011
Condolence From: Carolyn Dougherty
Condolence: Sending our deepest condolences to your family at this difficult time you are in our prayers.
Carolyn & Duval Dougherty
Monday November 21, 2011
Condolence From: Danielle Tonsel
Condolence: Dear Maria,

You and your family have my deepest sympathy on the loss of your father. May you know that he is with God and no longer suffering. May you feel God's arms holding you all during this sad time. My prayers are with you and your family.

Love, peace and blessings, Danielle (friend and co-worker of Maria Negron)
Monday November 21, 2011
Condolence From: Connet Broadnax
Condolence: Your family is in my prayers. May the love and light that surrounds you, help you find peace during this time of loss.

Friend and co-worker of Maria Negron
Monday November 21, 2011
Condolence From: Tony and Angela Commodari
Condolence: To The Nestico Family,

We wish we had words to comfort and sustain you and your family in your grief, but we know that there are none that will take away any pain. Please accept our most sincere and heartfelt condolences for the loss of your father. We hope that you and your family can find peace in the wonderful life your father lived and may the memories you cherish never fade. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all and May God give you and your family comfort, strength and peace.

With Sympathy,

Tony and Angela Commodari
Monday November 21, 2011
Condolence From: Rosetta Conigliaro & Family
Condolence: I am sitting in my office on 11/17/11 and received a call from my mother that my 97 year grandfather is no longer suffering :-( - I am crying....Rest in Peace, Nonno Aurelio - we love you and we have been blessed to have you all these years but still is difficult when we will not see you anymore.....Miss you much!!!!!!!!! My sister said he had a smile just before he passed away......God, this is so hard :-( Nonno you lived a long life and it is a difficult time for all of us but I know you are now with your parents and your little brother who died when you were very young and seeing your sister, Zia Valeria makes you very happy. We promise to take care of Nonna Concetta for a long time - she misses you very much as well. Last night, we were at my nonna Concetta's house...and my Zio Pasquale had recorded himself speaking to my nonno many months back - we laughed and cried when we heard his voice - it seemed like he was there with us. He was singing, praying and talking - it was nice to hear his voice. Nonno, you were loved and will be missed - Rest in Peace :-( We will miss your many stories when you were a bricklayer and sergente maggiore in Italy.....Rest in Peace :-(
Friday November 18, 2011

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