
Anthony Marazzo
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Monti-Rago Funeral Home Inc.
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Lauren Roselli
"My forever Sympathy goes out to Anita, Al, and the DeNardo-Marazzo Family. May y"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Heather Bretz and Family
"Anthony, my Anthony. Thank you for always being you. For allowing myself and tho"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
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Condolence From: Joe Klein
Condolence: Anita...I do not know what brought me to this page today. Obviously I was guided in some way. I am at a loss for words. I had no idea you were dealing with something so terrible. I did not know Anthony, but he being your son speaks volumes of the type of man he was here and continues to be in soul. Please take heart in that he lives on in a different place. As with my sister, whom you know also passed, they remain ever present. I suspect this is something you may already realize. We just need to listen for them. Peace to you, Anthony, and your family. Joe Klein
Tuesday September 10, 2013
Condolence From: Sonny Mazzone
Condolence: Anthony has been one of my closest friends since I was 14 years old. Myself, Ant, Viola, Nicky and the rest of us would act stupid and get into trouble as most teenagers do. One of my favorite memories of Anthony is a time that we went down the shore, we where walking on the boardwalk and Ant kept on pointing at the ground as people where walking by. They would jump or move out of th way and look all around for whatever he was pointing at. There was nothing there, but for some reason to us it was the funniest thing. The reason why that is my favorite memory of Anthony is because it is such a great example of how his personality, could make everyone around him laugh and smile. No matter what happend before as soon as you saw that ear to ear grin, and heard him start to joke you couldn't help but laugh. I was so proud of Anthony when he went to Oklahoma, because he was the only person I ever met who actually tried to become a better person, and all though at the time I didn't appreciate it, when he would talk about god he did it not to hear himself speak but because he wanted others to become better people as well. I know nothing will ever fill the void his passing leaves but perhaps there can be some solace in the fact that Anthony's life inspired many people to become better human beings, myself included. I feel privileged to have called Anthony my friend, I loved him like a brother and his mark he left on me will be with me for the rest of my life.
Friday February 17, 2012
Condolence From: Laina Sacerdote
Condolence: My deepest condolences go out the family of Anthony. He truly meant a lot to me and life here without him will never be the same. I know he's in paradise, the place he spoke so highly of. God only takes the best.
Wednesday February 15, 2012
Condolence From: Adamia, Steven and Robert Daddazio
Condolence: Anita and Family we send our thoughts to you at this sad time. I pray that God will help you and your family to get through this loss and that Anthony is in heaven with God. Love to you all.
Wednesday February 15, 2012
Condolence From: Bob and Donna Brescia
Condolence: Dear Anthony. We are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Our deepest sympathies go out to you.
Wednesday February 15, 2012
Condolence From: Rita Marazzo
Condolence: Anthony you were a special person. I know that you are with Jesus and at peace. There is much sorrow in loosing you so soon. God must have a special plan for you. Do a good job. I know we will meet again some day. Love, Rita
Tuesday February 14, 2012
Condolence From: lisa lanzilotti
Condolence: Dearest Anita, I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. As a mom I can only imagine your pain and I pray that somehow you can gain strength through the circle of love coming from family and friends that will surround you always. Deepest sympathy, prayers, and much love.
Tuesday February 14, 2012
Condolence From: Laura Gaspari
Condolence: Dear Precious Adorable "Little Anthony" is how I remember you. Your giggle and one distinct memory of you that touched my heart is when you said to my cousin as a little boy, "Gina - please come here - I want you!" RIP
Tuesday February 14, 2012
Condolence From: Carla & Michael DiPlacido
Condolence: We are so heartbroken and devastated. We can't tell you how sorry we are for your loss. We will always remember Anthony as the beautiful, loving child that he was. His smile will be missed forever.
Tuesday February 14, 2012
Condolence From: Carla & Michael DiPlacido
Condolence: We are so heartbroken and devastated. We can't tell you how sorry we are for your loss. We will always remember Anthony as the beautiful, loving child that he was. His smile will be missed forever.
Tuesday February 14, 2012

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