In Memory of





Condolence From: Charmaine
Condolence: Rita, I know that your heart must be filled with sadness during this difficult time. Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. Likewise, may you feel the comfort and love of the many people who are praying for you. As you grieve, know that I understand your sorrow but most importantly, remember your mother’s love. Peace and Blessing, Charmaine Butler (former MMWR employee)
Wednesday August 17, 2016
Condolence From: Lena Marroletti
Condolence: Carol, Rita, Nick, Nicole, Mike, Fili, Frank, Shawn and those 3 little sweethearts - What can you say in a few short sentences about woman you have known for over 40 years? A woman who cared for and nurtured her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren so unselfishly, and with the devotion of a mother who puts herself last every time. For me, it was a wonderful privilege to have known Rita - we had many memorable conversations - serious and not so serious. I had the utmost respect for Rita - a great lady who will be sadly missed by all who were fortunate enough to have known her. With love and sympathy, Lena
Thursday August 11, 2016
Condolence From: Maria Sokolowski
Condolence: Carol, I am so so sorry about Mom. Her kind and cheerful spririt will be missed by everyone. Please know my thoughts are with you and your family and I pray that God bring you through this with comfort and peace. Love Always, Maria
Thursday August 11, 2016
Condolence From: Jeff Nardo
Condolence: Mark, Joseph and I will miss you Aunt Rita...we always admired your kindness and strength, for as long as we can remember, especially when you supported my mother while my Dad was in Vietnam and we lived in Philadelphia all those years ago. God Bless, and we are looking forward to seeing you and Uncle Nick in heaven.
Wednesday August 10, 2016